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Reading a book


To obtain legal authorization for use of Gwendolyn Brooks literary works, quotes or any other copyrighted works and intellectual property, please fill out and submit attached request.

A Brooks Permissions representative will respond to your request. Brooks Permissions is the legal and exclusive licensing agent for Gwendolyn Brooks.

Licensing Request Form


Reprint Rights: Fees and Policies

Standard Fees (per medium)

  • Poems are $350 for each work

  • Excerpts of poetic work are $25.00 per line (50% of the poem or less)

  • Prose works are $1 per word

  • For course packet or special project rates please contact our office.


Payments are not delayed until publication. Payment due dates are set 6-8 weeks from the contract date. Late fees begin to accrue one month from payment due date.

Contractual Agreements

No contract item can be changed without the written consent of Brooks Permissions. Signed contracts are due two weeks after they have been issued. A contract is not considered valid by Brooks Permissions unless it has been received within this time frame.

Cancellation of a signed contract will result in a 25% kill fee if Brooks Permissions has not received written notification within six months of the contract date.

Credit line will read “Reprinted by consent of Brooks Permissions.”

Revision Fee

One (1) free revision per request, $10 for any additional revisions. After three (3) revisions - you will be asked to resubmit a detailed request indicating all needs.


Identification numbers will be issued for each contract (not each project.) and must accompany all pertinent correspondence and payments.

Website/Electronic Recording

Use of Ms. Brooks’ work on the internet or for any kind of electronic recording is strictly monitored by Brooks Permissions. The reprint credit line (see CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS) must appear on the same web page that features the poem/prose. Contractees are restricted to the assigned formats. Other formats (recording, broadcasting or any other forms of disseminating information) currently in existence or developed in the future may not be added without written consent from Brooks Permissions.

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